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4D Echo in Clinical Practice

A hands-on course encompassing transthoracic and transoesophageal echo
Prosthetic mitralvalve

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The course will offer the opportunity to learn about and gain practical experience in the acquisition and analysis of 4D datasets from experts in the field. The use of 4D echo in both transthoracic and transoesophageal echo will be explired in detail.


EXPERT Speakers:


During the first morning course lectures will cover the basic principles relating to 4D imaging. Detailed consideration will be given to the acquisition of the dataset. The remainder of the first morning will be devoted to discussion and demonstration of the art of cropping the dataset and the normal examination.


The emphasis on the second morning is to explore the applications of the technique. The lectures will explore the role of 4D echo in valvular and ventricular pathology. We will then go on to consider myocardial mechanics in 4D



LIVE 4D Scanning Sessions:


The afternoons are devoted to small group practical sessions using vivid scanners and Echopac off line analysis. The first afternoon will comprise image acquisition and 4D dataset analysis of normal subjects. The second afternoon will involve analysis and interpretation of transthoracic and transoesophageal datasets acquired from patients and further in depth analysis of 4D datasets.

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